George in Prague: Mascaron near the Cafe Savoy in Malá Strana
George in Prague: Vailed keystone face (mascaron) on the Lapidarium
George in Prague: Face peeking through the curtains on a keystone on front of the new town hall at Mariánské Náměstí
George in Prague: Lions decorating a building near the US Embassy
George in Prague: Mascaron of Mercury in Smíchov
George in Prague: Art Nouveau face across from government buildings
George in Prague: Male face mascaron near government buildings
George in Prague: Keystone face along Ovocný Trh
George in Prague: Mascaron above doorway in Old Town
George in Prague: Art Nouveau mascaron
George in Prague: Golden face by Plečnik above building entrance at Prague Castle
George in Prague: Arch over alcove in the Vojanovy Sady (garden) in Malá Strana
George in Prague: Sun on keystone above alcove in Vojanovy Garden
George in Prague: Face on building in Vinohrady Park
George in Prague: Keystone mascaronon building along Ke Karlovu near Police Museum
George in Prague: Art Nouveau faces on building along V jirchářích near Národní Divadlo
George in Prague: Face on building along Vodičkova
George in Prague: Gothic greenman below oriel window at Karolinum
George in Prague: Mascaron along Na Příkopě
George in Prague: Keystone of window arch at Hotel Pariz
George in Prague: Oriental style mascaron on old part of Hlavní Nádřaží
George in Prague: Folk style mascaron with roses on Hlavní Nádřaží
George in Prague: Folk style mascaron with pine and double-headed eagle on Hlavní Nádřaží
George in Prague: Mascaron on main train station in Prague with birch leafs and house martins
George in Prague: Mascaron on main train station in Prague with cattails
George in Prague: Closeup of mascaron near Alchemy Museum
George in Prague: Art Nouveau mascaron on the Municipal House
George in Prague: Mascaron in archway between courtyards of Valdštejn Palace
George in Prague: Mascaron in courtyard of Valdštejn Palace