busch63: tree-lined pathway...
busch63: sunlight reflex on the snow
busch63: smooth light after sunrise
busch63: Icecrystals
busch63: growed Ice
busch63: Beauty crystals with the first light of this Day
busch63: Frozen Nature
busch63: Beauty crystals grows over night
busch63: Cold Sunrise
busch63: smooth cold light just before sunrise
busch63: old tree covered by Icecrystals
busch63: Earlybird
busch63: Frozen Nature
busch63: Beauty crystals grows over night
busch63: Beauty crystals grows over night
busch63: Cold morning before sunrise
busch63: Frozen Nature
busch63: Frozen Spiderweb
busch63: Frozen Leafs
busch63: Schlangen - Kreuzkrug
busch63: Berlebeck, Hangstein
busch63: Signs on the walkingpath to Externsteine
busch63: Externsteine - area around
busch63: Externsteine - area around, mystic trees
busch63: Externsteine
busch63: Externsteine
busch63: Externsteine - the stairway up to the platform
busch63: Externsteine - the stairway down from top platform
busch63: Externsteine - the cave
busch63: Externsteine - the cave