100 Peaks: The border wall
100 Peaks: The view of Otay Mountain from Kuuchamaa (Tecate Peak)
100 Peaks: View north from the top of the mountain
100 Peaks: Getting near the top of Kuuchamaa (Tecate Peak)
100 Peaks: Pano from near the top of the mountain, Otay Mountain center left
100 Peaks: Views to the south into Mexico
100 Peaks: Switching back the other way, feeling like I'm on top of the world
100 Peaks: Interesting red rocks along the road
100 Peaks: Panoramic view of Tecate and the border wall from Kuuchamaa (Tecate Peak)
100 Peaks: The trail switched back up the mountain, the top at the center with the antennae
100 Peaks: Where I parked my car off the road, overlooking Tecate, Mexico
100 Peaks: Driving along the border, with Kuuchamaa Tecate Peak above
100 Peaks: My cozy nest in my car