100 Peaks: Donelands Wildnerness - Sequoia National Forest sign at our trailhead
100 Peaks: Our first view of the Domelands from the trail
100 Peaks: Grumpy Bear's sign on the PCT
100 Peaks: HIking along the PCT toward Domelands Wilderness
100 Peaks: South Fork of the Kern River along the PCT
100 Peaks: We'll be camping on the other side of that frog-like rock formation on the left
100 Peaks: The Domes of the Domeland Wilderness
100 Peaks: The PCT enters some trees for a bit
100 Peaks: Left the PCT and can see where we'll be coming from in two days
100 Peaks: Headed toward the South Fork of the Kern and up that ridge
100 Peaks: Must cross the Kern and climb up
100 Peaks: Kern Crossing
100 Peaks: Looking back down from where we came from
100 Peaks: The steep climb along Tibbets Creek
100 Peaks: The faint trail levels out on top
100 Peaks: The other side of the frog rock formation
100 Peaks: Looking for the good water. This was orange and smelled stagnant
100 Peaks: My tent reinforced against the wind
100 Peaks: Our cooking spot in the shelter of the large boulders
100 Peaks: Our campsite at Tibbets Creek
100 Peaks: Dreamer's cozy tarp and bivvy
100 Peaks: I was still asleep and warm when this was taken
100 Peaks: Dreamer happy to be in the sun
100 Peaks: No more snow, but plenty of wind
100 Peaks: Old bear scat
100 Peaks: Our campsite from across Tibbets Creek
100 Peaks: Headed out along the gentle first part of the canyon
100 Peaks: Dreamer crossing on a long as we started cross-country on a ridge
100 Peaks: Our elevated ridge, no footprints
100 Peaks: Some of the domes from the other side