100 Peaks: Jeff Excited for dinner-57
100 Peaks: Happy at South. Mowich-56
100 Peaks: Privy-58
100 Peaks: Jeff And Derek Spray park-72
100 Peaks: Jeff And Derek Spray park Hiking Into Cloud-70
100 Peaks: Getting some wifi before we leave-3
100 Peaks: Our permit and itinerary-1
100 Peaks: The Wonderland Trail SIgn-4
100 Peaks: Coffee at the airport-2
100 Peaks: Heading off to the trailhead-5
100 Peaks: All fresh at our beginning of the Wonderland Trail-6
100 Peaks: On the trail-7
100 Peaks: Our first view of Mount Rainier-8
100 Peaks: Crossing Kautz Creek-9
100 Peaks: Heading up through the trees to Devil's Dream-10
100 Peaks: Getting water above Devi;s Dream-11
100 Peaks: The fawns that visited us-12
100 Peaks: Devil's Dream Campsite-13
100 Peaks: Outhouse at Devil's Dream - Luxury-14
100 Peaks: The cabin at Indian Henry's Hunting Ground-15
100 Peaks: Crossing the Tahoma Creek Bridge-16
100 Peaks: Heading up Emerald Ridge, with Mount Rainier in the background-17
100 Peaks: Our nice rest stop at the eastern edge of Emerald Ridge, looking over South Puyallup River Valley-18
100 Peaks: Looking up at the Tahoma Glacier from our rest stop-19
100 Peaks: Emerald Ridge-20
100 Peaks: Jason at the top of Emerald Ridge-21
100 Peaks: Relaxing breaktime just before we descended to South Puyallup River-22
100 Peaks: Soaking the feet and reading the map near South Pyuallup River-23
100 Peaks: Heading up from South Puyallup River-24
100 Peaks: Nearing the top of the ridge, near Saint Andrews Park-25