100 Peaks: Dawn on the way to Square Top
100 Peaks: The dirt road portion of the trail
100 Peaks: Hiking through Cougar Canyon
100 Peaks: Plenty of water in Cougar Canyon
100 Peaks: Sunrise over the desert on the way to the Square Top trailhead
100 Peaks: Happy hikers in Cougar Canyon
100 Peaks: On the boundary of the Los Coyotes Indian Reservation
100 Peaks: Square Top in the distance, behind the center knob
100 Peaks: Square Top, looming above us
100 Peaks: The view to Salton Sea
100 Peaks: Clark and Collins Valleys
100 Peaks: Brian's 100th San Diego Peak on the Sierra Club List
100 Peaks: Plenty of water in Sheep Canyon
100 Peaks: Horned Lizard, barely visible
100 Peaks: The view to Palomar from Hot Springs Mountain
100 Peaks: Ice in the puddles on Hot Springs Mountain
100 Peaks: Greg, Brian, and Ronnie on the Hot Springs Mountain summit block
100 Peaks: Lost Valley, Combs Peak, and the Santa Rosa Mountains from Hot Springs Mountain
100 Peaks: Hot Springs Mountain Lookout Tower