100 Peaks: Old gate demo - on way home
100 Peaks: A nice day
100 Peaks: A new friend
100 Peaks: Sunset
100 Peaks: Don't worry. I will.
100 Peaks: My new office
100 Peaks: The view from the break room at my new job
100 Peaks: We sure have some large orb weavers in Santa Barbara
100 Peaks: View from my new home
100 Peaks: My view from the meeting room
100 Peaks: Last night's sunset from work
100 Peaks: Black widow with previous meals.
100 Peaks: My new front yard (just renting)
100 Peaks: My shirt at work. @adayak
100 Peaks: Mushroom in my backyard
100 Peaks: Channel Islands
100 Peaks: The beach
100 Peaks: Fallen rocket in my yard. No ID except a small photo that reads "Good luck, Georgia!"
100 Peaks: lynda.com Holiday Party Pano 2011
100 Peaks: Working on the break room balcony
100 Peaks: And the view
100 Peaks: Circular seating
100 Peaks: How I've been spending my days
100 Peaks: Next meal
100 Peaks: Flowers
100 Peaks: Ready to eat
100 Peaks: 19 years of bells. We've been together a long time.
100 Peaks: Yeti
100 Peaks: My new favorite store