100 Peaks: The eastern entrance to the park off Stanwood
100 Peaks: Almost at the top, with Arlington Peak in the background
100 Peaks: Benchmark 775, at the top
100 Peaks: Coyote Encounter - look closely
100 Peaks: Looking back the way I typically come up
100 Peaks: Looking down the way I unsually go down
100 Peaks: Panorama from the top of Parma Park
100 Peaks: Rules of the Trail
100 Peaks: Single Track in bloom
100 Peaks: Steep Trail toward the top
100 Peaks: Thistles (ouch!)
100 Peaks: What the trail looks like
100 Peaks: View from the top
100 Peaks: Benchmark
100 Peaks: A nice place to sit on the trail.
100 Peaks: Hiking
100 Peaks: Photos from my hike/run this morning
100 Peaks: Flies are annoying, but ticks are evil.
100 Peaks: Roadrunner tracks
100 Peaks: And a snake
100 Peaks: Can actually see the islands this morning, framed by blooming flowers
100 Peaks: My San Diego peak list (and why my Google Earth keeps crashing)
100 Peaks: One of my favorite places
100 Peaks: Quail in a tree
100 Peaks: Sun and fog
100 Peaks: Steep trail to the top
100 Peaks: Blooms along the trail
100 Peaks: Friend on the trail
100 Peaks: The trail up
100 Peaks: The way down