100 Peaks: 01-The group, getting started on the trail
100 Peaks: 02 - Sunrise over El Cajon Mountain
100 Peaks: 03 - the group, still fresh and smiling
100 Peaks: 04 - Jeep shell on the way to El Cajon Mountain
100 Peaks: 05 - El Cajon Mountain Benchmark
100 Peaks: 06 - The group at the summit
100 Peaks: 07 - Eagle Peak and the San Diego River Valley
100 Peaks: 08 - The trail back home
100 Peaks: Snake on the trail from Sunday
100 Peaks: 09 - My friend the red diamond rattlesnake
100 Peaks: 10 - A last look back at El Cajon Mountain on the way out
100 Peaks: The view from El Cajon Mountain
100 Peaks: El Cajon Mountain sunrise, 2010. #skipbacksaturday