me_myself_n_eye: the gaps
me_myself_n_eye: state house
me_myself_n_eye: Boston, across the water
me_myself_n_eye: sunset on the Charles river
me_myself_n_eye: dutch angle
me_myself_n_eye: keeping the piece
me_myself_n_eye: mass ave on the charles river
me_myself_n_eye: overpassing
me_myself_n_eye: the sun shines with you
me_myself_n_eye: Zakim cropped
me_myself_n_eye: the return
me_myself_n_eye: gone fishing
me_myself_n_eye: pres on horse
me_myself_n_eye: loungin'
me_myself_n_eye: line 'em up
me_myself_n_eye: from above
me_myself_n_eye: "chest heaving/against the flesh of the evening"
me_myself_n_eye: NO (P)assing
me_myself_n_eye: chinatown: in color
me_myself_n_eye: chinatown
me_myself_n_eye: traveling AA group???
me_myself_n_eye: ashmont station
me_myself_n_eye: R-yellowish G-B
me_myself_n_eye: vertical
me_myself_n_eye: crossing at the roxbury
me_myself_n_eye: postcard