RMOWP: Kenita Gibbins "You dirty, yellow-bellied rat, this is my territory." BJCI Humor Award
RMOWP: Tom Ulrich "Do ducks have belly buttons?" BPJNWA Humor Award
RMOWP: Al Perry "Tom Ulrich after hours" ETMF Humor Award
RMOWP: Richard Holmes "Multipurpose solution to two emergencies" GSH Humor Award
RMOWP: Maryann Gaug "Did I mention that I live on the top floor?" MAPV Humor Award
RMOWP: Beto Gutierrez "Free Breakfast... toothpicks included" MDOH Humor Award
RMOWP: John Thornton "Look Ma, I'm flying... Do you have to be off the ground? MOSH Humor Award
RMOWP: Jack Olson "Dress Rehearsal for Sunset Blvd. musical " MSP Humor Award