galleries of competitions and club events: Academy_Geoff Loughborough_END OF THE DAY, END OF THE SUMMER._1_9
galleries of competitions and club events: Academy_Geoff Loughborough_THE INSIGNIFICANCE OF MAN._1_9.5
galleries of competitions and club events: Academy_Rob Tweed_DAWN_1_10
galleries of competitions and club events: Advanced_Louise Barker_WHERES'S IT GONE_1_9
galleries of competitions and club events: Academy_Rob Tweed_LUNCH TIME_1_9
galleries of competitions and club events: Advanced_Nick Rogers_JOUST_1_9
galleries of competitions and club events: Advanced_Nick Rogers_PUFFIN'S MOUTHFUL_1_9
galleries of competitions and club events: Advanced_Paul Renaut_GOLDFINCH IN THE SNOW_1_9
galleries of competitions and club events: Advanced_Saman Gareeb_STROLLING_1_10
galleries of competitions and club events: Advanced_Saman Gareeb_TOO LOUD_1_9.5
galleries of competitions and club events: Advanced_Louise Barker_MALE SISKIN (CARDUELIS SPINUS)_1_9.5