joshcalebwray: Caleb cooled off
joshcalebwray: Caleb cools off
joshcalebwray: The Eyes of a Night Watchman
joshcalebwray: The boy
joshcalebwray: Caleb 2011
joshcalebwray: Caleb (puppy)
joshcalebwray: Caleb at the pond.
joshcalebwray: caleb082007
joshcalebwray: All of Them
joshcalebwray: Shhhhhh "NAP ZONE: Thank you for not barking."
joshcalebwray: caleb t
joshcalebwray: nap100607Caleb
joshcalebwray: calebsmile
joshcalebwray: calebface2b