box6689: 01 留下記憶 Leave memory
box6689: 02 由綠轉紅 Turn from green to red
box6689: 03 火舌迎面撲來 Flames blowing on the face
box6689: 04 傳達訊息 Convey the message
box6689: 05 踩水而過 Walking throught the water
box6689: 06 尼斯湖水怪 Loch Ness Monster
box6689: 07 綠意盎然 Green algae
box6689: 08 攝影高手 Photographer
box6689: 09 對話 conversation
box6689: 10 滿江紅 Red algae
box6689: 11 鑲金滿江紅 Oblique light red algae
box6689: 12 貨暢其流 Goods flow smoothly
box6689: 13 全家福 Family trip
box6689: 15 來到盡頭 Go to the end
box6689: 16 橋下避雨 Rain shelter under the bridge
box6689: 17 都市叢林 Urban jungle
box6689: 14 滿天星斗 Shining star
box6689: 18 牆裡牆外 Outside the wall
box6689: 19 請勿停車 Do not park
box6689: 20 房價太貴了 The price is too expensive
box6689: 21 聚會 get together
box6689: 22 秋天到了 Autumn is here
box6689: 23 垂釣 Fishing
box6689: 24 船行碼頭 Boat dock
box6689: 25 晨光 Morning light
box6689: 26 救火英雄 Firefighting hero
box6689: 27 春天的陽光 Spring sunshine
box6689: 28 鬧中取靜 Quite in the middle of noisy
box6689: 29 堅守崗位 Stick to position
box6689: 30 花團錦簇 Flower cluster