box6689: S01 大地調色板 Earth palette
box6689: S02 耕耘 Work hard
box6689: S03 秋意正濃 Autumn has come
box6689: S04
box6689: S05 春天降臨 Spring is coming
box6689: S06 立秋白露雲霧繞 Autumn morning
box6689: S07 稻田曰出 Paddy sunrise
box6689: S08 田園風光 Pastoral scenery
box6689: S09
box6689: S10 臺北的黄昏 Taipei evening
box6689: S11 臺北的黃昏 Taipei at dusk
box6689: S12 網住太陽 The sun was trapped
box6689: S13 秋天的臺北七星山 Taipei Qixing Mountain Autumn
box6689: S14 臺北漁港 Taipei fishing port
box6689: S15 臺北 漁人碼頭 Taipei fisherman's wharf
box6689: S16
box6689: S17 破曉時分 Dawn
box6689: S18 溪水 Creek
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box6689: S20 擱淺的漁船 Stranded fishing boat
box6689: S21
box6689: S22 臺北漁港日落 Taipei fishing port at dusk
box6689: S23 攔河壩 Sluice (Taipei yangmingshan national park)
box6689: S24 迎接春天到來 Welcome to the arrival of spring
box6689: S25
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box6689: S27 被折枝的櫻花樹 Bent cherry tree
box6689: S28
box6689: S29 梅花 Plum blossom
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