box6689: 01淡水夜市 Night market (Taiwan)
box6689: 02 路邊咖啡座 Roadside cafe
box6689: 03 彩繪街景 Painted steet shadow
box6689: 05幻想 擁有 Dream of buying a car
box6689: 06 水舞池 Water dance pool
box6689: 07 臺北街景 Taipei Street View
box6689: 08 東和禪寺 Temple ( Taipei's Renai Road )
box6689: 09 腳踏車 Bicycle
box6689: 10 低空煙火 Low altitude fireworks
box6689: 11 台北街景 Taipei Street View ( National Century Museum )
box6689: 12 出口 EXIT (Taipei Wanhua Railway Statiopn)
box6689: 13 自由廣場咖啡座 Roadside coffee shop
box6689: 14 幻影 phantom
box6689: 15 臺北博物館 Taipei Museum
box6689: 16 臺北自由廣場 Taipei Freedom Square
box6689: 17 臺北站前大樓 Taipei Station Building
box6689: 18 6X17光影秀 6X17 light and shadow show
box6689: 20 屋頂紅瓦片 Roof red tiles
box6689: 21 臺北自由廣場
box6689: 24 色温的變化 Color temperature changes
box6689: 25 黑夜如白晝 The night is like day
box6689: 26 腳踏車停放處 Bicycle parking
box6689: 27 新北市地標 New Taipei City landmark
box6689: 28 捷運地下道入口 MRT underground entrance
box6689: 29 台北陸橋 Taipei land bridge
box6689: 30 超級大雨傘 Super umbrella