kenafe: Amman, fruites verdures i gent somrient!
kenafe: Akko, antiga ciutat Palestina, ara Israel.
kenafe: Akko
kenafe: nen palestí a Akko
kenafe: Akko, mesquita
kenafe: Poques setmanes, Soucia
kenafe: Màrtirs de Nablus
kenafe: Jugant a pistoles?
kenafe: Hamas al mercat, Nablus
kenafe: La Damm? a Nablus? ahhhh
kenafe: A la mesquita no es fa soroll...
kenafe: Mesquita de Hebron
kenafe: Jenin, terra de pau
kenafe: la meva família, Jenin
kenafe: et banyes?
kenafe: un gelat a Jenin
kenafe: Smiling in Balata, refugee camp
kenafe: martyrs of Balata
kenafe: Praying before demostrating
kenafe: Hdjà Sara
kenafe: Mum in Jericho
kenafe: little cat in Jericho
kenafe: swiming in Jericho
kenafe: Betlehem wall
kenafe: closed shop by army, Hebron
kenafe: closed shops by army, Hebron
kenafe: evicted palestinian street in Hebron
kenafe: ghost town in Hebron, made by the army
kenafe: smiling in Tel Rumeida
kenafe: Palestinian style