clayville: maybe some sort of Tricholoma?
clayville: Omphalotus orlearius?? The Jack O'Lantern Mushroom
clayville: Amanita frostiana??
clayville: Amanita flavoconia??
clayville: perhaps a Larch-bog Waxy Cap (hygrophorus speciosus), but probably not
clayville: maybe Gomphidius glutinosus, the Slimy Gomphidius
clayville: perhaps Megacollybia platyphylla, the Platterful Mushroom
clayville: Amanita frostiana?
clayville: maybe Psathyrella delineata, the Wrinkled Psathyrella??
clayville: Hypholoma fasciculare?? Sulphur Tuft?
clayville: Clavicorona pyxidata, or maybe Ramaria flavigelatinosa var. megalospora: Coral mushroom
clayville: Amanita, possibly flavorubescens, the Yellow Blusher
clayville: Lactarius??
clayville: Clavicorona pyxidata, or maybe Ramaria flavigelatinosa var. megalospora: Coral mushroom
clayville: probably an Amanita
clayville: Amanita flavoconia? Yellow Patches
clayville: Paxillus involutus?? the Poison Pax
clayville: Hmmm...
clayville: Amanita pantherina?
clayville: Amanita muscaria v. formosa? the Yellow-orange Fly Agaric
clayville: Cortinarius violaceus? the Purple Cort