phil anker: Fully laden
phil anker: Not so glossy
phil anker: Cafe life
phil anker: A bag for life
phil anker: The can
phil anker: Change for a coffee
phil anker: Doorstepping
phil anker: Reading the paper in bed
phil anker: Gentleman of the road
phil anker: Guitar man
phil anker: Moving in
phil anker: What goes around comes around
phil anker: Empty bench
phil anker: Heart art
phil anker: Number 3
phil anker: Being watched
phil anker: Fully laden
phil anker: On white
phil anker: new look
phil anker: Counting the coppers
phil anker: let`s feel good
phil anker: Special Brew
phil anker: Fashion statement
phil anker: Blending in
phil anker: Colourful
phil anker: On watch
phil anker: Bagman
phil anker: Puzzled
phil anker: Outdoor library and bar