phil anker: Attentive
phil anker: Check and stripes
phil anker: A bit of benchtime reading
phil anker: Phone shielding
phil anker: Bag lady
phil anker: Grabbing 40
phil anker: Anon in red
phil anker: Chilled
phil anker: Love shopping
phil anker: A bit of adjustment
phil anker: Man spread
phil anker: Sharing the joke
phil anker: On the long one
phil anker: Facing up to it
phil anker: Getting the lowdown
phil anker: The man in the hat
phil anker: Don`t look now
phil anker: Sunday paper on a sunny Sunday
phil anker: Busy bench
phil anker: Waiting for the tide
phil anker: The bench is full
phil anker: Social distance pre lockdown
phil anker: Dividing lines
phil anker: We can all dream
phil anker: Old style, new style, indifference
phil anker: We are here
phil anker: 3-2-1-spotted
phil anker: Defensive
phil anker: Soaking up the rays
phil anker: Treble the odds