excessmind: IZ A TRAP!
excessmind: Abi is one year old!
excessmind: No work on holideez, plz.
excessmind: Iz lolcat, wut did u expectd?
excessmind: Mah Cheezburger! STOLEN!!!!
excessmind: Wut u meen, I iz neikid?
excessmind: I IZ HIDIN', NO FIND PLZ, KTNX!
excessmind: Gambler Cat eyes you suspiciously
excessmind: Gambler cat haz some winningz
excessmind: Sony Laptopz Lolcat Edishun
excessmind: In Soviet Russia Cheezburgerz eat u
excessmind: Wobot vs. Kitteh!
excessmind: No beerz 4 u today!
excessmind: I smellz rainbowz!
excessmind: Sommelier cat inspects the new vintage
excessmind: the smellz of fresh hardwarez...
excessmind: Whoa, that's a big softbox!!!
excessmind: Human food always perplexes me ...
excessmind: Why? Why did you have to put this thing on my neck?
excessmind: Hmm, smells like Easter ...
excessmind: Шефе, търсят та по мобифона!
excessmind: WHERE AM I???
excessmind: The Red Squirrel
excessmind: There is a bouquet behind me, isn't there?