spideysenses77: Dark knight rises...
spideysenses77: So crazy, outrageous, simply unstoppable.
spideysenses77: And why do we fall Bruce?
spideysenses77: The only way out is through the pain.
spideysenses77: Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try....
spideysenses77: I've trapped myself in a ring of fire, if i say i'm okay i'm also a liar...
spideysenses77: A private moment...
spideysenses77: Skyfall...
spideysenses77: They died that we might live...
spideysenses77: Red mist descends...
spideysenses77: Learning is a gift, even when pain is your teacher....
spideysenses77: Insert fancy cryptic title here...
spideysenses77: Justification or excuse?