1564 King's Cross
1565 Leadenhall Market
1566 Leadenhall Market (2)
1573 Christchurch College (Oxford), stairway to the Great Hall
1574 The Great Hall (1)
1575 The Great Hall (2)
1576 Lacock Abbey
1577 The Magic Cauldron (1)
1579 The Magic Cauldron (2)
1578 Old Window
1580 Peacefully
1582 Gloucester Cathedral
1583 Gloucester Cathedral, Main Portal
1584 Hurry up, Harry...
1585 Inside the cloister...
1589 Heavenly Light
1596 Hogsmeade Station
1598 Alnwick Castle
1599 Alnwick Castle
1600 Through the arrow slit
1601 Durham Cathedral
1615 Just a matter of perspective
1348 The secret