-salzherz-: 1564 King's Cross
-salzherz-: 1565 Leadenhall Market
-salzherz-: 1566 Leadenhall Market (2)
-salzherz-: 1573 Christchurch College (Oxford), stairway to the Great Hall
-salzherz-: 1574 The Great Hall (1)
-salzherz-: 1575 The Great Hall (2)
-salzherz-: 1576 Lacock Abbey
-salzherz-: 1577 The Magic Cauldron (1)
-salzherz-: 1579 The Magic Cauldron (2)
-salzherz-: 1578 Old Window
-salzherz-: 1580 Peacefully
-salzherz-: 1582 Gloucester Cathedral
-salzherz-: 1583 Gloucester Cathedral, Main Portal
-salzherz-: 1584 Hurry up, Harry...
-salzherz-: 1585 Inside the cloister...
-salzherz-: 1589 Heavenly Light
-salzherz-: 1596 Hogsmeade Station
-salzherz-: 1598 Alnwick Castle
-salzherz-: 1599 Alnwick Castle
-salzherz-: 1600 Through the arrow slit
-salzherz-: 1601 Durham Cathedral
-salzherz-: 1615 Just a matter of perspective
-salzherz-: 1348 The secret