庶民小文™: 2007 03 04 06:04
庶民小文™: 2007 03 04 06:06
庶民小文™: 2007 03 04 06:09
庶民小文™: 2007 03 04 06:48
庶民小文™: early birds and the chilly wind
庶民小文™: the Can-Can girls
庶民小文™: the Can-Can girls
庶民小文™: warehouse?
庶民小文™: damn cold bldg blocks the warm sun light ><
庶民小文™: mr. Phillips
庶民小文™: almost there ^^
庶民小文™: no weapon r allowed on the ship
庶民小文™: climbing climbing and climbing
庶民小文™: on board
庶民小文™: USS JFK bridge
庶民小文™: sea reflection
庶民小文™: mr. Phillips on USS JFK
庶民小文™: USS JFK ceiling
庶民小文™: gigantic hangar
庶民小文™: a missile and a child
庶民小文™: big nose F18E
庶民小文™: F18E wheel
庶民小文™: Gigantic elevator
庶民小文™: elevator in progress
庶民小文™: on the deck
庶民小文™: [don't tread on me] flag
庶民小文™: F18E on deck
庶民小文™: USS JFK and the Boston skyline
庶民小文™: hehehe