TaleOfJoy: Aurajoki - River Aura
TaleOfJoy: Chapel - Kappeli
TaleOfJoy: Turku Cathedral
TaleOfJoy: Alttaritaulu
TaleOfJoy: At the window
TaleOfJoy: Purple flowers in the window
TaleOfJoy: Red flowers in the window
TaleOfJoy: Pihanäkymä
TaleOfJoy: Violin maker's sign
TaleOfJoy: Tuoli
TaleOfJoy: Tools - työkaluja
TaleOfJoy: Children's chair - Lapsen tuoli
TaleOfJoy: Wooden door - puuovi
TaleOfJoy: A key to the lock
TaleOfJoy: Front yard - etupiha
TaleOfJoy: A detail
TaleOfJoy: A rose of Turku
TaleOfJoy: A play of light and shade
TaleOfJoy: Just before departure