cbelato (sometimes out): Something alive, until some days ago...
cbelato (sometimes out): About difficulties and frustrations...(I) -Dead maple leaves on a glass table-
cbelato (sometimes out): - Trials with a new toy - (1)
cbelato (sometimes out): - Happy day...
cbelato (sometimes out): ... and the second
cbelato (sometimes out): The first moment
cbelato (sometimes out): - Light and subtle shadow -
cbelato (sometimes out): - Showing the beauty - (1)
cbelato (sometimes out): - Beauty in the morning -
cbelato (sometimes out): - Lovely gift -
cbelato (sometimes out): - A bit of sweetness to start the day -
cbelato (sometimes out): - through the glass -
cbelato (sometimes out): - near the window -
cbelato (sometimes out): Being sweet...
cbelato (sometimes out): being feminine...
cbelato (sometimes out): and completely in love with life.
cbelato (sometimes out): - Dressed in pink - Act 1
cbelato (sometimes out): - Dressed in pink - Act 2
cbelato (sometimes out): - Dressed in pink - Act 3
cbelato (sometimes out): - Playing with focus and reflections -
cbelato (sometimes out): - Two of us...
cbelato (sometimes out): - Maybe If I wish...
cbelato (sometimes out): - A dream of Spring -