honker100: "Reflected Beauty", (Mute Swan).
honker100: "He's spotted something"!
honker100: Barn Owl.
honker100: European Eagle Owl.
honker100: Young Nuthatch,(Towneley Park, Burnley, Lancs.).
honker100: "Out on a Limb", (Towneley Park Robin).
honker100: "The Robin and the Ivy".
honker100: Dunnock amongst the Ivy.
honker100: Female woodpecker, (Pendle area).
honker100: Robin, (Pendle District).
honker100: Snow Geese?, Baxenden, Lancashire.
honker100: Female Blackbird
honker100: Hooded Merganser.
honker100: Black-headed Gull, (in winter only a dark spot behind the eye remains).
honker100: "I think i'm being watched"! (Robin).
honker100: Long-tailed tit. WHOOPS! An accidental deletion. My apologies to all who viewed or faved!
honker100: Male Reed Bunting.
honker100: Baby Robin.
honker100: "Out on a limb", (Great Tit).
honker100: A master of flight.
honker100: Weir Street Waxwing 16 th January 2014.
honker100: In a flap on the lake at Towneley Park, Burnley.
honker100: Juvenile Nuthatch,(Towneley park, Burnley).
honker100: "Here's looking at you kiddo"! (Robin, Towneley Park, Burnley, Lancashire).
honker100: Towneley Park Great Tit.
honker100: Female woodpecker, (Pendle District).
honker100: Alive!
honker100: Marbled Teal.
honker100: Female Bullfinch.
honker100: Long-tailed Tit, nr. Nelson, Lancashire.