0zzie: Claty
0zzie: Judy with the River Bridge on Trolly
0zzie: Minimal Judy
0zzie: Georgetown One Stop
0zzie: During the Ceremony
0zzie: Grandpa Moody
0zzie: Mr Moody
0zzie: Leaving the Church
0zzie: Child
0zzie: Batesville Pioneer Basketball #3
0zzie: #54 #41& #52
0zzie: Rebounding
0zzie: Batesville Lady Pioneers
0zzie: Claty playing Basketball
0zzie: Claty
0zzie: Mrs. Moody
0zzie: Mrs Moody
0zzie: Judy
0zzie: JUDY
0zzie: Through a Window
0zzie: Night Shot
0zzie: Hopperesque
0zzie: Judy
0zzie: Mrs. Moody
0zzie: Huey's Restaurant in Memphis
0zzie: untitled