wildwest photo:
_87A5905 Red-necked Phalarope
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_87A1823 Bald Eagle Siblings
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_87A9708 Bald Eaglet with Kingbird
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_87A6591 Burrowing Owl
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_87A6582 Burrowing Owl
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_87A6584 Burrowing Owl
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_87A6561 Burrowing Owl
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_87A3408 Sandhill Crane
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_87A2967 Barred Owl
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_87A5523 Red-breasted Sapsucker
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_87A5519 Red-breasted Sapsucker
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_87A4589 Black Oystercatcher
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_87A4570 Cormorants at The Devil's Punchbowl
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_87A5015 Bald Eagle Pair
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087A1682 Horned Lark
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DSC_3048 Grasshopper Sparrow
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Immature Pied-billed Grebe
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Wild Turkey
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Northern Flicker
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American Robin Jan. 10, 2018 McNary Wildlife Area
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"Just After Takeoff" Great Blue Heron
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Great Blue Heron "Drying Out"
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Avocet at McKay NWR Sept 5, 2018
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Killdeer Cold Springs NWR Sept. 5, 2018
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Belted Kingfisher in flight
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Juvenile Swainson's Hawks
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Juvenile Swainson's Hawk in flight
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Juvenile Swainson's Hawk in flight
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Red-tailed Hawk in Flight
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DSC_4391 Great-horned Owl Mud Springs Canyon Road Aug. 25, 2018