Em.A~: Morning walk
Em.A~: Yaaay ;P
Em.A~: If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes...
Em.A~: hehe yaaay
Em.A~: Bags are loveth..♥ ;P
Em.A~: I don't know why I like this photograph..
Em.A~: Sometimes we strive so hard for perfection that we forget that imperfection is happiness
Em.A~: لولا لحبك في قلبي شـان .. ماأسلمك روح اغليهــا
Em.A~: It's a girl thing..
Em.A~: ..ماقول أعشقها بعقل
Em.A~: I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay.
Em.A~: لى بسمة لو وزعت عالمخاليق ...
Em.A~: Connected :P
Em.A~: On hold
Em.A~: Some presents are hard to accept,
Em.A~: Untitled
Em.A~: 3 down, 11 to go... :P
Em.A~: Life is no cup of coffee
Em.A~: Pretty as a picture
Em.A~: Procrastination :P
Em.A~: :P
Em.A~: A snowflake is winter's butterfly
Em.A~: Baby's dreams must be the sweetest
Em.A~: Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.
Em.A~: Flowers for you all... :)
Em.A~: Nightly cruise
Em.A~: Delicate
Em.A~: Fuzz