...Through the lenS...: Cogujada camuflada
...Through the lenS...: Buitre leonado 1
...Through the lenS...: Martín pescador 1
...Through the lenS...: Martín pescador 5
...Through the lenS...: Buitre leonado 2
...Through the lenS...: Buitre leonado vuelo
...Through the lenS...: Águila culebrera
...Through the lenS...: Buitre leonado vuelo
...Through the lenS...: Pinzón común
...Through the lenS...: Cormorán Vs. anguila
...Through the lenS...: Martín pescador 7
...Through the lenS...: Martín pescador 4
...Through the lenS...: Lavandera Blanca 1
...Through the lenS...: Lavandera Blanca 2
...Through the lenS...: Martín pescador 3
...Through the lenS...: Garceta Común
...Through the lenS...: Martín pescador 2
...Through the lenS...: Martín pescador 6