-stille-: Milky way and Andromeda, in Bortle 3 skies. Taken on a Canon 350D with Tamron 16-300mm lens, at 16mm, iso 1600, 17s exposure, stacking 100 untracked shots, using dark and bias frames
-stille-: Star trails over Acele Morarului
-stille-: The eagle and the river
-stille-: Milky Way
-stille-: Starstorm
-stille-: Lady's rocks
-stille-: Andromeda and the Milky Way
-stille-: Taurus molecular cloud - please full-size :)
-stille-: Orion
-stille-: Molecular clouds in Orion
-stille-: Orion and the Way
-stille-: The lion and the falling stars
-stille-: Pleiades
-stille-: Orion's belt
-stille-: Winter triangle
-stille-: Andromeda galaxy - taken with a Canon T7i at ISO 800 on an Omegon Minitrack lx2, Asahi Takumar 135mm f2.5 at f4 lens. 50 frames of 60s, no flats. Processed in Pixinsight, details to follow :)
-stille-: The goddess and the seven sisters
-stille-: Dawnbearer
-stille-: C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
-stille-: Rho Ophiuchi
-stille-: Eon heart
-stille-: See you on the other side
-stille-: Jupiter's halo
-stille-: Galactic core
-stille-: Not-just-Perseids
-stille-: Sagittarius, drifting into autumn 1
-stille-: Curve of the sky
-stille-: Eagle and Omega nebulae, and the Sagittarius star cloud
-stille-: Course of the heart
-stille-: Clouds of Auriga