-sarah-m: green poncho (sold)
-sarah-m: shisha poncho front
-sarah-m: shisha poncho back detail
-sarah-m: stitchy poncho
-sarah-m: stitchy poncho detail
-sarah-m: blue poncho
-sarah-m: red and multi poncho
-sarah-m: red poncho colours
-sarah-m: brown with blue and patch
-sarah-m: white/green/blue with crochet
-sarah-m: white/blue/green with crochet
-sarah-m: greens with bobbles
-sarah-m: greens with crochet (sold)
-sarah-m: red/pink with crochet
-sarah-m: white/off-white with stripes
-sarah-m: (off) white on (off) white
-sarah-m: blue/pink shawl