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embroidery by *mia*
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embroidered bird onesie wip
wip- embroidered blue bird onesie
Little girl's blue bird onesie in action
Little girl's embroidered blue bird onesie finished
Mexican Girls embroidery transfer patterns
Mexican Fiesta from patternbee, I think a vogart reprint
Chi-Chi Fever & Darling Dachshunds Sublime Stitching Embroidery Transfer patterns
Superior Transfer Pattern Mexicana, Design No. 120 reprint
Walker's No. 702 Gay Mexican Motifs reprint
Kurt Halsey & Dia de los Muertos sublime stitching embroidery transfer patterns
Mexicana motifs vintage pattern reproduction from the patternbee
Mom's redwork gift
Redwork embroidery senorita resized
Redwork singing man with guitar
Redwork Girl falling off a burro
Redwork girl & boy dancing
Redwork Girl with Basket
Finished mexicana redwork for mom, man singing with a guitar
Finished mexicana redwork for mom, girl falling off a burro
Redwork embroidery mexicana couple dancing, mom's gift
redwork embroidery mexicana, senorita with flowers, mom's gift
Finished mexicana redwork for mom, sleeping under a sombrero
Mom's mexicana embroidery gift
Embellished dress
sleeve detail
some wee wonderfuls embroidery
I'm not sure about the eyes
Embroidery beach boy