Missud: Young elephant playing
Missud: Young elephants playing
Missud: Elephant
Missud: Pfantling in the sand
Missud: Pfantling in the sand
Missud: Pfantling in the sand
Missud: Pfantling in the sand
Missud: Young tiger / Tigernachwuchs
Missud: Meerkat / Erdmännchen
Missud: Eland / Elenantilope
Missud: Otter
Missud: Otter
Missud: Young otter
Missud: Tapir
Missud: Harpy eagle / Harpyie
Missud: Polar bear / Eisbär
Missud: Young tigers chasing each other
Missud: Otter
Missud: Tapir
Missud: Zebra
Missud: Young otter
Missud: Gentoo penguin / Eselspinguin
Missud: Young otter
Missud: Young otter
Missud: Mole rat / Kleingraumull
Missud: Otter
Missud: Young tiger
Missud: Winter lion / Löwe im Winter
Missud: Kulan
Missud: Meerkat / Erdmännchen