-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: markers used for Color Squared
-leethal-: markers used for Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: Color Squared
-leethal-: This walking onion is more like a dancing onion.
-leethal-: My shawl design, Galax, made the cover of @interweavecraft's new best-of shawls book! 😯☺️
-leethal-: Soaking up some sun before the rain starts back up. Just planted some tomatoes, hope it's not too soon! I got too excited about backyard food season approaching! πŸ˜¬πŸ…πŸ“ (I'll be growing those things plus raspberries, arugula, lett
-leethal-: Family visiting = playing tourists for the weekend. After checking off museums and gardens, it's time for beer tasting. #portland
-leethal-: Even when you accidentally go to the Japanese garden on children's day, it's still pretty peaceful at times.
-leethal-: My favorites were when he reinterpreted 2D paintings into 3D Lego sculptures.
-leethal-: A favorite corner of the Lego art exhibit we just saw at omsi.