-klik-: roddlesworth reservoir weir
-klik-: down
-klik-: up
-klik-: looking up (whoops, I mean down :)
-klik-: my best side
-klik-: the paddling punk
-klik-: amphibious monty (labradoodle)
-klik-: clarity obscured
-klik-: winter wood
-klik-: skyfall prevention measure
-klik-: tree prism
-klik-: what's down is up.
-klik-: standing in the shadows
-klik-: Monty and 4 green dots
-klik-: tongue
-klik-: into the woods
-klik-: Cemetery over a Northern town
-klik-: Giants 10 foot grave
-klik-: Frederick Kempsters grave
-klik-: roundabout
-klik-: tennis dome
-klik-: grass lines
-klik-: River Ribble - Winter sun
-klik-: plane
-klik-: 3 ducks
-klik-: Into the light
-klik-: Metal rope 2
-klik-: Take it to The Bridge!
-klik-: 3D metal rope