-JvL-: The Gevangenpoort (1)
-JvL-: The Gevangenpoort (2)
-JvL-: Prisons
-JvL-: Prison
-JvL-: Lady Justice
-JvL-: Barred windows
-JvL-: Public humiliation plates
-JvL-: Restraint devices
-JvL-: Thumbscrew
-JvL-: Engraving of the Gevangenpoort
-JvL-: Vliegveld Ypenburg
-JvL-: Front side of Ypenburg Airport building
-JvL-: Front side of Ypenburg Airport building
-JvL-: Front side of Ypenburg Airport building
-JvL-: Ypenburg Airport Control Tower
-JvL-: Ypenburg Airport Control Tower
-JvL-: Ypenburg Airport
-JvL-: Flight school entrance
-JvL-: Royal waiting room
-JvL-: Restaurant
-JvL-: View from the airport restaurant
-JvL-: Roof access
-JvL-: Lightning rod
-JvL-: Teachers' Lounge
-JvL-: Ypenburg Airport soldier
-JvL-: Ypenburg Airport soldier
-JvL-: FIRE!
-JvL-: Aircraft engine
-JvL-: Aircraft propellor
-JvL-: Building plan