J!!!!: Tiè!
J!!!!: live on movable stage
J!!!!: piazza castello in parata
J!!!!: Even clowns wait
J!!!!: 22 luftballons
J!!!!: Vado al Bancomat... vado a gonfie vele
J!!!!: World's on fire
J!!!!: +20 coins for the beers!
J!!!!: Un iPod per una Bambina
J!!!!: It's all a matter of perspective
J!!!!: La Vie en Rose
J!!!!: Empty like a Bottle Already Drunk
J!!!!: Les chemins se croisent, puis se séparent à nouveaux
J!!!!: left news paper on the road
J!!!!: Police in helicopter
J!!!!: Roses are not red
J!!!!: Come pollicino
J!!!!: Una dancehall al giorno non basta