druc14 (Drew M): Lens Test
druc14 (Drew M): I can no longer shop happily
druc14 (Drew M): I'm all lost in a supermarket
druc14 (Drew M): I came in here for that special offer.
druc14 (Drew M): Postcard from the Apocalypse (ver II)
druc14 (Drew M): Waiting for the Fallout
druc14 (Drew M): 70's Album Cover
druc14 (Drew M): Beelzebubba
druc14 (Drew M): Shacknews White Elephant 2009
druc14 (Drew M): Shacknews White Elephant 2009
druc14 (Drew M): Shacknews White Elephant 2009
druc14 (Drew M): Saints Peter & Paul from the Sicz Club 12.04am 1/21/10
druc14 (Drew M): Still Life by Others Redux
druc14 (Drew M): December Dew
druc14 (Drew M): Ghost of Xmas Present
druc14 (Drew M): Gnome for Rhonda
druc14 (Drew M): the ghosts of the disco
druc14 (Drew M): How not to shoot meteors
druc14 (Drew M): The lights have lost their glow.
druc14 (Drew M): In case of fire
druc14 (Drew M): IMG88_0006