~green tea ice cream~: little red elephant on the loose...
~green tea ice cream~: just follow the light, it will always guide you...
~green tea ice cream~: i dream of painting, then i paint my dream
~green tea ice cream~: sun, sprinklers and sparkle...
~green tea ice cream~: the warmth of spring...
~green tea ice cream~: those light reflections i see before me...
~green tea ice cream~: new years day...
~green tea ice cream~: glad tidings...
~green tea ice cream~: a scoop of shiny wrapped sweets for kelven :-D
~green tea ice cream~: you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one...
~green tea ice cream~: lands end...
~green tea ice cream~: ozunon lens...has anyone ever heard of this brand?
~green tea ice cream~: ladybird, ladybird fly away home...
~green tea ice cream~: what would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything ~ v. van gogh
~green tea ice cream~: sand digging...
~green tea ice cream~: we never know the worth of water till the well is dry ~thomas fuller
~green tea ice cream~: that man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest ~henry david thoreau
~green tea ice cream~: portrait of a barman...
~green tea ice cream~: light at the window...
~green tea ice cream~: bricked in...
~green tea ice cream~: pretty squares of sunlight...