mohd.redzuan: Dalila & David
mohd.redzuan: Jaja & kak aziah
mohd.redzuan: Rina & Shah
mohd.redzuan: Rina & Shah
mohd.redzuan: three gals
mohd.redzuan: Kak Aziah & Nadia
mohd.redzuan: great couple, next in line
mohd.redzuan: Aren't we all happy to see each other again
mohd.redzuan: I honestly don't know what they're laughing at
mohd.redzuan: Rahmat and Badik
mohd.redzuan: Taroi, Zarir and Rahmat
mohd.redzuan: Badik, the entertainer
mohd.redzuan: Hishamuddin, Aizuddin, chemek
mohd.redzuan: Calling all guys for photo shoot!
mohd.redzuan: gurls
mohd.redzuan: RPI babes
mohd.redzuan: Rina, Shah & kak aziah
mohd.redzuan: Dewan perdana felda
mohd.redzuan: The Great Hall Perdana Felda
mohd.redzuan: Joey, no wonder.....
mohd.redzuan: Our new CEO of Kedai Telur Kita
mohd.redzuan: Table 94 with Pich's head
mohd.redzuan: Marien & Elle
mohd.redzuan: Table 90 having a heated discussion
mohd.redzuan: Rina & Shah
mohd.redzuan: With the couple
mohd.redzuan: Ninie and RPI frens
mohd.redzuan: Ninie and RPI frens
mohd.redzuan: Ather and some of the guys
mohd.redzuan: With the lucky couple