bmtx: ICPS 2012: Plant show
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Plant show
bmtx: ICPS 2012: NECPS Terrarium
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Pinguicula
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Utricularia
bmtx: ICPS 2012: RORIDULA!
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Walks around Seekonk
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Walks around Seekonk v2
bmtx: Seekonk Land Conservation Trust
bmtx: Overlooking Providence
bmtx: Providence from above
bmtx: my doofy self
bmtx: Providence art collective
bmtx: Cape Cod
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Cape Cod
bmtx: ICPS 2012: field tripping
bmtx: ICPS 2012: field tripping
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Field tripping
bmtx: ICPS 2012: drosera hunt
bmtx: ICPS 2012
bmtx: ICPS 2012: so much Drosera
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Searching for carnivores
bmtx: ICPS 2012: filiformis tentacles
bmtx: ICPS 2012
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Drosera!
bmtx: ICPS 2012: filiformis, cranberries
bmtx: ICPS 2012: cranberry bog, MA
bmtx: ICPS 2012: Drosera filiformis, MA
bmtx: ICPS 2012: the end of the official field trip (day 1)
bmtx: ICPS 2012: unofficial field trip, day 1