Adri 79: Narciso
Adri 79: Narciso
Adri 79: IMG_2067-
Adri 79: Camelia
Adri 79: Azalea
Adri 79: Bee on daisy
Adri 79: Garofano
Adri 79: Orchid
Adri 79: Bombus
Adri 79: Fly ?
Adri 79: Alone in the Desolation
Adri 79: Flowers Ghost
Adri 79: A dream of flowers
Adri 79: All' alba
Adri 79: The pink in the green
Adri 79: Veronica persica
Adri 79: Margherita
Adri 79: Blossoms
Adri 79: Narciso
Adri 79: Bergenia
Adri 79: The peach tree and the bee
Adri 79: will blossom
Adri 79: Fallen
Adri 79: My Hanami
Adri 79: Flower in the bokeh
Adri 79: Un campo di margherite
Adri 79: Tulips
Adri 79: BeW
Adri 79: A yellow cloud
Adri 79: Glossy green