---m---: steelers vs falcons (34:16)
---m---: the huge rubber duck
---m---: downtown pittsburgh
---m---: frank a. giovannitti house
---m---: arthur j. rooney athletic field
---m---: steelers vs falcons (34:16)
---m---: downtown pittsburg
---m---: speed limit 25
---m---: george aiken's delicious prepared foods
---m---: our neighborhood
---m---: cmu campus
---m---: frozen yogurts
---m---: conor's lunch
---m---: per martin-löf
---m---: the john von neumann bench
---m---: réka with a well-dressed t-rex
---m---: the rubber duck
---m---: freezer portrait
---m---: the woman and the bear
---m---: 100th day of school
---m---: me in my office
---m---: with andy's cows
---m---: cmu campus
---m---: richard king mellon hall
---m---: cathedral of learning
---m---: the ppg building
---m---: hoodie again
---m---: réka and the rubber duck
---m---: reka
---m---: belvedere's down and derby, pittsburgh