--BP--: The Gill
--BP--: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, From here to eternity...
--BP--: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir Bridge No. 27
--BP--: Mourning Cloak on my head 2......
--BP--: Mourning Cloak on my head....
--BP--: Bethesda Fountain and Terrace, Central Park, NYC
--BP--: Cedar Waxwings
--BP--: Cedar Waxwing
--BP--: Hermit Thrush
--BP--: Sunset, Willow Rock, Central Park, NYC
--BP--: Bow Bridge, Central Park, NYC
--BP--: Louisiana Waterthrush in NYC, Reflection....
--BP--: Louisiana Waterthrush in NYC
--BP--: Louisiana Waterthrush in NYC
--BP--: Louisiana Waterthrush in NYC
--BP--: Louisiana Waterthrush in NYC
--BP--: Cedar Waxwings... Central Park, NYC
--BP--: Silver Haired Bat
--BP--: Field Sparrow
--BP--: Palm Warbler
--BP--: Eastern Towhee, Male
--BP--: Red-Tailed Hawk
--BP--: Red-Tailed Hawk
--BP--: Red-Tailed Hawk
--BP--: Red-Tailed Hawk
--BP--: Peace Out Dude.....
--BP--: Red-Tailed Hawk
--BP--: Red-Tailed Hawk
--BP--: Hermit Thrush
--BP--: Swamp Sparrow