Vibrant One: Orchids...
Vibrant One: Orange Power....
Vibrant One: Exotic.....
Vibrant One: Exuberance.....
Vibrant One: Hawaiian Bliss....
Vibrant One: Unusually shaped branches and flowers....
Vibrant One: My favorite capture! :)
Vibrant One: Wall Paper Background....
Vibrant One: "Love Buds" ......
Vibrant One: Yellow- Mellow.....
Vibrant One: Bells & Wind chimes...
Vibrant One: Sunshine :)
Vibrant One: "Raindrops falling on my head".....
Vibrant One: Velvet Petals.....
Vibrant One: Peeling Petals.....
Vibrant One: Another photo that I entered in the Chicago Botanical Gardens photo contest and selected! One of my favorite captures!
Vibrant One: I love how the red buds of flowers have a natural hint of blurr yet stand out so bold among the purple flowers
Vibrant One: If only a bee was resting on this flower it would be so perfect! I love the shape of this flower and how it all folds in together
Vibrant One: Unusual thought: It reminded me of star
Vibrant One: I love this flower the middle part looked like a candle whick and the shape and color of this one was lovely!
Vibrant One: Spring Blooms....
Vibrant One: Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844
Vibrant One: Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed. ~Walt Whitman
Vibrant One: I entered this photo for a photography contest for Chicago Botanical Gardens! It was selected to be placed on the website
Vibrant One: I love the way the pink stands out among the leaves, the leaves look grayish and green! I also liked the branches and stems of this flower! This is totally unedited look at how bold the color of pink is!
Vibrant One: I love the way the pink flower stood out among the tiny purple ones! The background is all leaves but they look gray instead of green! very unique indeed!
Vibrant One: Violet pink gerbera daisy!
Vibrant One: It stood nice and tall...simply flawless and confident!
Vibrant One: The yellow cactus flower ready to bloom to a full blown flower...
Vibrant One: so sharp and vibrant