xmas711: same picture as prior, I believe with 'fill light'
xmas711: 15 seconds, no enhancement
xmas711: 13 seconds, no enhancement
xmas711: 10 seconds, added fill light
xmas711: 8 seconds, added 'glow'
xmas711: exposed for 6 seconds and major saturation
xmas711: moon with fill light, exposed for 4 seconds
xmas711: bad moon rising
xmas711: keeping an eye on him
xmas711: farm in field
xmas711: looking straight up
xmas711: fire tower?
xmas711: rap pose?
xmas711: smiling in the sun
xmas711: another weird look of mine
xmas711: ...or just drunk?
xmas711: something funny?...
xmas711: firework flop
xmas711: shooting star
xmas711: pitiful fireworks
xmas711: Little Darling
xmas711: sweet face
xmas711: with major saturation
xmas711: under the bridge
xmas711: with saturation
xmas711: reflection on the lake
xmas711: buoy in sepia
xmas711: fly away home
xmas711: got too close
xmas711: Seagull on what used to be an island