xmas711: Cape Elizabeth lighthouse August 2001
xmas711: Cape Elizabeth lighthouse
xmas711: typical balacing something on prego stomach picture
xmas711: the cage we built
xmas711: side by side
xmas711: The famous parking garage
xmas711: sunshine on the church
xmas711: 'Wayside Chapel'
xmas711: frosty windows
xmas711: birds' nest
xmas711: the little house
xmas711: cocoon
xmas711: the coffee shop with the map
xmas711: coffe shop
xmas711: used to be a monastary
xmas711: the sign and little table...
xmas711: campground cabins
xmas711: tunnel
xmas711: Elephant Buddha
xmas711: the hive
xmas711: little church garden
xmas711: up toward the Heavans
xmas711: St. Matthews
xmas711: sunlit glory
xmas711: shine
xmas711: reflect
xmas711: the fancy building
xmas711: tiny birdhouse
xmas711: little shed
xmas711: little shed 3