xmas711: "what was I thinking??"
xmas711: Barber shop 2/28/07
xmas711: getting some air
xmas711: being kissed
xmas711: going to the door
xmas711: down they go
xmas711: Waving Goodbye
xmas711: the mini tux
xmas711: funky light blur
xmas711: watching the balloons
xmas711: the pretty picture
xmas711: watching the water go by
xmas711: grrrrr
xmas711: fake sleeper
xmas711: looking tired from all the playing
xmas711: hand
xmas711: sitting on the dock of the lake
xmas711: The 'Home Alone' face thing
xmas711: "grrrrr" hands
xmas711: blocking the shot
xmas711: excited
xmas711: So proud!
xmas711: Jacob with the goat
xmas711: the first picture he actually let me take of him
xmas711: pointing at the prarie dogs
xmas711: IMG_20070707_0479 trimmed
xmas711: my favorite
xmas711: bouncing
xmas711: "hi!"